
See What Was Changed in Your AD and Group Policy

with Active Directory Change and Access Auditing Tool

Free Tool for IT Pros

This free monitoring tool does not require any license and will never expire.

The free edition of Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory tracks logons and all changes to AD users, groups, organizational units, GPO links and various policies. Daily email reports detail every change made during the last 24 hours, including the before and after values.

Get daily email updates on critical changes in your Active Directory:

Free Tool in Action

Save your time

Get daily reports with precise details about every change and logon event without the need to analyze mountains of native logs.

Simplify anomaly discovery

Automate auditing and reporting

Save your money

Get a detailed overview of all logons and AD and Group Policy changes with the ability to quickly export collected data into an insightful report in an easy-to-read format.

Stay updated on incorrect, unauthorized or suspicious activity and remediate any issues before they result in a data breach.

Get a solution that provides meaningful audit data in a timely and convenient fashion without any need to apply a commercial license.

Start using free edition of Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory right now:

"Incredible free auditing/monitoring tool. Indispensable tool for anyone who considers himself a competent Windows sysadmin."

Nedeljko Visnjic, Spiceworks Community

© 2019 Netwrix Corporation

300 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618

See What Was Changed in Your 

AD and Group Policy

We never share your data. Privacy Policy

with Active Directory Change and Access Auditing Tool

This free monitoring tool does not require any license and will never expire.

The free edition of Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory tracks logons and all changes to AD users, groups, organizational units, GPO links and various policies. Daily email reports detail every change made during the last 24 hours, including the before and after values.

Get daily email updates on critical changes in your Active Directory:

Save your time

Get daily reports with precise details about every change and logon event without the need to analyze mountains of native logs.

Simplify anomaly discovery

Automate auditing and reporting

Save your money

Get a detailed overview of all logons and AD and Group Policy changes with the ability to quickly export collected data into an insightful report in an easy-to-read format.

Stay updated on incorrect, unauthorized or suspicious activity and remediate any issues before they result in a data breach.

Get a solution that provides meaningful audit data in a timely and convenient fashion without any need to apply a commercial license.

Free Tool in Action

Start using Free Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory:

We never share your data. Privacy Policy

"Incredible free auditing/monitoring tool. Indispensable tool for anyone who considers himself a competent Windows sysadmin."

Nedeljko Visnjic, Spiceworks Community

© 2019 Netwrix Corporation

300 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618