
Data Privacy Via Data Security

Today data privacy is increasingly required by compliance mandates — and demanded by customers. But what’s the best way to go about ensuring data privacy? It actually begins with ensuring data security. Join Adam Rosen, VP of Product Strategy at Netwrix, as he reveals how you can achieve your data privacy and compliance goals by defending your organization from credential theft, privilege abuse and other data security threats.


How to defend against risks to data privacy

Watch our new webinar to discover:

The essentials of data privacy — and why it all starts with data security

How to satisfy the data subject access request (DSAR) requirements of data privacy laws

Adam Rosen is an expert on managing and securing data, Adam has helped organizations of all sizes implement controls and policies to meet security, compliance, and efficiency objectives. In his current capacity, he manages Netwrix’ portfolio of data security and data privacy technologies depended on by enterprises around the world to protect their most critical information.

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Data Privacy

Via Data Security

Join Adam Rosen, VP of Product Strategy at Netwrix, as he reveals how you can achieve your data privacy and compliance goals by defending your organization from credential theft, privilege abuse and other data security threats.


The essentials of data privacy — and why it all starts with data security

How to satisfy the data subject access request (DSAR) requirements of data privacy laws

How to defend against risks to data privacy


Adam Rosen

VP of Product Strategy

© 2022 Netwrix Corporation

300 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618

We never share your data. Privacy Policy